Eurodram Madrid 2021 GA meeting report

Eurodram – réseau européen de traduction théâtrale
Eвродрам – европейская сеть театрального перевода
Eurodram – European network for drama in translation

4A, rue d’Orval, L-2270 Luxembourg

Madrid + Internet, 19th-21st November 2021

Attending : BCMSerbian (Darko Lukic, Nikolina Zidek), Bulgarian (Gergana Dimitrova, Ilyana Hubenova), Castillan (David Ferré, Victor Velasco, Edouard Pons, Conchita Pina, Cristina Vinaesa), French (Gilles Boulan, Dominique Dolmieu), German (Wolfgang Barth, Nicole Desjardins), Hungarian (David Szabó), Italian (Laetitia Dumont-Levi), Kurdish (Mîrza Metîn), Norwegian (Joana Leira).
+ by zoom : English (Samuel Buggeln) and  Romanian (Silvia Circu).

Apologies : Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Catalan, Finnish, Greek, Macedonian, Polish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

No news : Armenian, Georgian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Slovenian.

1/ Opening

Gilles Boulan, President, warmly thanks all the coordinators for their participation in this year’s work, as well as the Castilian Committee for organizing this meeting.

David Ferré, vice-president and coordinator of the Castilian committee with Victor Velasco, thanks the SGAE for its welcome and all the participants for coming. He reminds everyone present of the need to expand the network and to work towards its recognition by developing actions involving other institutions, as is the case in Madrid.

Dominique Dolmieu, founder of the network, celebrated Eurodram’s 20th anniversary by recalling how the network, originally the reading committee of the l’Espace d’un instant publishing house (Maison d’Europe d’Orient), has gradually evolved and developed throughout Europe, Central Asia and the Mediterranean.

2/ General report report of the previous year’s activities

The 27 committees of the network now count 330 members, representing an average of about 12 members per committee. By comparison, there were 311 members in 29 committees in 2020.

The 2021 Eurodram selections were announced on the 21st of March. The 50 texts from 18 languages were chosen by the 318 members of the 29 language committees from 343 translated texts received in 2020. No possible comparison as no figures were mentioned in 2018. The selections can be found at :

3/ Elections :

A new administrative council was elected on December the 21st, 2020, such as Wolfgang Barth, Gilles Boulan, Dominique Dolmieu and David Ferré.

A new Cabinet was elected on January the 7th, 2021, such as Gilles Boulan (President), David Ferré (Vice-President) Dominique Dolmieu (Secretary) and Wolfgang Barth (Treasurer). In accordance with the association’s statutes, the board co-opted Ian De Toffoli and Veronika Boutinova in January 2012.

These changes were declared by IDT to the Luxembourg Registry on 15 February 2021.

Dominique outlines in a few sentences the functioning of the AC and the Cabinet as well as the duties of the members of the Cabinet : President, Treasurer and Secretary. Furthermore, wishing to AC to be renewed, he confirms that he will not take over the function of secretary/general coordinator. He undertakes to pass on all the tools to the next secretary and to all the coordinators, and to complete the transfer of the lists. Gilles also reminds the participants that each member of the AC could of course take on particular tasks in agreement with the Cabinet. Dominique adds that the creation of a website for each committee was an essential element of autonomy.

With a unanimous vote, the GA authorises new nominations for the AC to be declared at this meeting.

The candidates to the 2022 Administrative Council are : Wolfgang Barth, Gilles Boulan, Ian De Toffoli, Gergana Dimitrova, Dominique Dolmieu, Laetitia Dumont-Lewi, David Ferré and Nikolina Židek.

All of them are elected by a balotilo e-vote on November the 30th, 2021.

The candidates to the 2022 Cabinet are : Ian De Toffoli, Gergana Dimitrova, Laetitia Dumont-Lewi, David Ferré, Nikolina Židek.

A new Cabinet is elected on by a balotilo e-vote, on December the 20th, 2021, such as :
President : David Ferré
Vice-President : Gergana Dimitrova
Secretary :  Nikolina Židek
Vice-Secretary : Laetitia Dumont-Lewi
Treasurer : Ian De Toffoli

4/ Next GA meeting date and location :

Dominique reminds the participants that it would be better to plan these things two years in advance, so as to be able to organize them better. He also reminded the meeting that it was naturally preferable for the organizing committee to be able to find partners to finance accommodation and even transport, and that the French institutes, given the nature of the network, should be called upon.

Wolfgang mentioned the possibility of a meeting in Germany, in Berlin or Bremen. Mîrza Metîn mentioned the same possibility in Amed/Diyarbakir, in Turkish Kurdistan. Both of them will see with their respective committees and partners to what extent that will be possible.

Both possibilities are welcomed with enthusiasm.

5/ Communication:

Currently, 1149 profiles are subscribed to the network’s page (1065 in 2020). Many thanks to the coordinators who provided information for it. The post announcing the latest selection was seen by 3834 profiles (6165 in 2020).


The website is up to date, as far the information is provided. Nothing has been done concerning the library database, this should be one of the tasks of the new administrative council. Statistics has been linked only recently and should be reported next year.

6/ Finances

Wolfgang Barth, Treasurer, reminds the participants that Eurodram has a very small budget and no bank account. Nevertheless, some financial exchanges were made during the year. An internal crowdfunding was launched and raised 300 euros. This sum was used to pay the year’s bills (translation costs, website hosting, etc.), via the Maison d’Europe et d’Orient. In total, there is a balance of 114.29 euros, which will be carried over to 2022.

Identification Receipts amount Expenses amount
OKPAL – crowdfunding 300,00
OKPAL – commission 15,01
Editing 2020 GA report 75,00
OVH – Hébergement website 80,11
OVH – Nom de domaine internet 15,59
TOTAL 300,00 185,71
SOLDE 114,29


The financial report for 2021 was approved by the GA unanimously with one abstention.

The GA also gives the AC the authorisation to open a bank account for Eurodram and to organise a crowdfunding in 2022. This crowdfunding will be open and not only internal.

In addition, the German committee received grants (11,000 euros) for the organisation of public readings, which were paid into WB’s personal account and spent on the readings. The German section mentions three hypotheses for managing its finances in the future :
1) management through a Eurodram account to be created ;
2) management via the personal bank account of a committee member ;
3) creation of a non-profit association that could open an account

However, the possibility of managing the finances of all committees through this bank account is excluded.

In the extension of this resolution, based on the example of the German committee, Wolfgang mentions the possibility of a contribution from each committee to the budget. However, it seemed quite impossible for the GA to decide on this point and the proposal was rejected without a vote. On the other hand, there is nothing to prevent a call for voluntary contributions from committee members.

7/ Other topics

The GA confirms that it is possible for each committee to form a legal structure. There is nothing in the statutes to prevent the creation of independent associations within the network, which would then have to join the « central » ASBL. However, this is not necessarily possible for all committees, for administrative, financial or other reasons, and is therefore not an obligation. Resolution adopted unanimously.

Concerning the selections, it is reminded that there should not be two texts by the same author in the same selection and that the texts should be from the European continent.

Samuel Buggeln : I am excited for the conversation about potentially adjusting the structure of the English-language committee. As a reminder, we propose in some way changing the call for even-numbered years, so we are not looking for still more English-language plays to recommend for translation, when English plays are over-represented in the international theater scene already.

The GA decides not to take a decision on the English committee’s wish to focus only on translated texts without proposing an English-language selection. This decision should be left to the coordinators, after discussion, by electronic vote.

Laetitia : As for the GA schedule, I’d like to know if there will be space for the following topics (two of them we have already begin to discuss):
– discussion about gender and parity matters in our selections
– discussion about language diversity in our selections
– discussion about the opportunity of opening a sign languages committee

Laetitia reminds the participants of the context in which the question of linguistic diversity and gender parity has arisen in the French-speaking committee. In any case, she confirms that the problem only concerns particular cases when two plays of equal interest seem to be unable to decide between them. Laetitia reminded the meeting that linguistic diversity is one of Eurodram’s goals, whereas gender diversity, although obviously desired, is not in itself a goal of Eurodram.

The GA voted unanimously on the principle of a recommendation, and not an obligation, to favour linguistic diversity as well as gender diversity in these annual selections.

Laetitia also proposes the creation of a committee for sign language. The question is not only philosophical but obviously technical. That being the case, it should be taken into consideration that sign language is a language in its own right and that there is no reason to exclude it on principle without taking into account the difficulties that this may represent in setting it up. Perhaps each existing committee should be asked to identify and list the people and institutions that could help the coordinator who declares himself.

The GA votes unanimously to approve the creation of a sign language committee. It was recalled that a committee should consist of a coordinator and at least three members. Laetitia and Conchita Pina will take charge of this dossier.

David Peralto, director of the company Joven Compania, hosts the reading of extracts from the latest Castilian selection. A group of around thirty young actors takes charge of the reading, with a very energetic and stimulating result, even for non-Spanish speakers.

LaJoven is a melting pot for renowned professionals from the Spanish scene and young artists, technicians and cultural managers who together make theatre created by young people, for everyone. Putting on scene work of great quality, telling stories that matter and speak to the audiences. Being the main project of the Fundación Teatro Joven, it is launched in 2012 as a response from the cultural sector to the grave youth employment crisis that was and is still taking place in Spain, but also as a support to the educational system which is facing the drastic reduction of teaching hours in arts and humanities. The Foundation’s mission is to spread the love por culture and theatre through the professional development of young artists, managers and technicians; the promotion of dramatic research and the incorporation of young audiences through contemporary dramaturgy.

Presentation of the work of Conchita, director of Ediciones Antigona

Ediciones Antígona is a publishing house specialized in contemporary theater text, theater criticism and philosophy. We have been giving visibility to the most current dramatic texts for more than fifteen years. All of our theatrical publications have a common goal: to spread and promote theatrical authorship. We also support emerging dramaturgies and project the literary careers of our authors. With the intention of making our catalog a faithful reflection of the effervescence of the new dramaturgy, we carried out a task of making female dramaturgy visible. At Ediciones Antígona we are aware of the educational value of dramatic literature, for this reason we have opened Antígona Educa: a didactic line of publications that have to do with teaching and reading theater in the classroom. In this new line our usual collaborators are: – AAT (Authors and Authors of Theater): Size does not matter. – La Joven Compañía: texts designed as support material for secondary and high school teachers and students. These publications include, for your work in the classroom, a teaching guide. – And a selection of works written for teenage audiences that can be found in the Theater for the classroom tab. Some of our actions to disseminate, promote and make visible the most current Spanish dramaturgies focus on: – Theater Agency. A young agency, but one that has been received with great enthusiasm among the community of professionals, with which we intend to publicize the repertoire of works of our authors outside of our country. To this end, we have created a network of contacts and collaborations with translators and theater agents from other countries. – Collaboration with the Cervantes Theater in London. This theater focuses on the production and exhibition of works by contemporary Spanish and Latin American dramatic authors. From Antígona we support this project with the publication, in bilingual English-Spanish editions, of the works that are premiered there. ( Within this internationalization project, we also serve the most current European dramaturgies.

Following this presentation, she opens a discussion on the difficulty publishers have in doing their job in the face of funding shortages, with the aim of defining a common vision, or even strategy, for dealing with them.

The discussion begins with an overview of translation and publishing support policies in the various countries covered by Eurodram. Dominique reminds everyone that support for translation is often limited to official languages, to the exclusion of other languages such as Romani or Kurdish. On the other hand, there are a number of publishers in the Eurodram network and he does not rule out the possibility of joint action. He has created a web page to list translation aids :

This is followed by several presentations on the different situations of support for translation and publishing in European countries (France, Germany, Hungary, etc.).

Then the debate widens beyond the question of aid to talk about the means of circulation of texts. Here again, the situations vary greatly depending on the language and the country. Administrative difficulties created by institutions, exclusion of dramatic texts from major literary prizes, problem of censorship concerning political opponents in several countries…

Then there’s a Zoom session from London with Paola, director of the Cervantes Theatre in London.

The Cervantes Theatre opened its doors in November 2016. It is the proud creation of the Spanish Theatre Company (STC), a charity which aims to bring the best Spanish and Latin American culture to London and to British audiences. The Cervantes Theatre is London’s first venue dedicated to showcasing Spanish and Latin American plays, performed both in Spanish and in English, and produced by the STC itself or other theatre companies. The STC presents a wide variety of Golden Age classics, as well as modern and contemporary masterpieces, to a broad audience of all nationalities. It also develops productions for schools. Through its bilingual programming, STC encourages Spanish/Latin American/British cultural exchange and it is becoming a reference point in London for Spanish-speaking culture and heritage.

David expresses the wish that a common charter be drawn up specifying that Eurodram takes a position on the defense of the circulation and diversity of texts. He proposed that each committee should write a very short text (3 or 4 lines) concerning its « political » position with regard to translation, publishing and the distribution of texts. This participation will be a first step towards the drafting of a common resolution. Deadline 7 January.

The final goal is to be able to approach the major theatrical institutions, stating what we are and what we can offer.

II – Reports of the previous year’s activities by each committee :

Albanian (Jeton Neziraj)
The Eurodram Albanian Committee received 5 plays translated from Serbian and Slovenian. We were delighted to select the three winning plays. Call for plays was published in the Qendra Website:
In cooperation with EURODRAM, various theaters in Kosovo organized an intensive playwrights workshop [RKS_DRAMA LAB], where a group of 7 young playwrights, participated in a month workshop module, lead by Fadil Hysaj. In total, 6 new plays have been written as a result, that have been presented as a stage reading in Gjilan City Theatre. Those plays will be also published by Qendra Multimedia in 2022. More about the event:

Arabic (Omar Fertat)
No report provided. But DD was invited to the meeting Scènes arabes in the university of Bordeaux and made a short communication about Eurodram. He hopes the committee will soon achieve its starting and launch the 2022 call.

Armenian (Armine Anda)
No report provided. DD reminds Armenia is still in war.

Belarussian (Nikolay Rudkovski)
In connection with the political events in Belarus, the social, theatrical and literary situation worsened over the year. Some cultural figures were arrested, many now live outside Belarus, including members of the Belarusian committee. All non-state theaters, cultural hubs, independent media and public organizations are closed in the country. Playwrights continue to write plays, but it is not known whether there will be performances in state theaters. There is no talk at all about translations of plays by foreign authors.
Maybe other committees will have ideas on how to help Belarusian authors? It’s not about finances, but perhaps about publishing a collection or readings of modern Belarusian plays, as, for example, in October 2020 at the Warsaw Drama Theater.

BCMS (Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian) (Darko Lukić & Nikolina Židek)
The Committee has sixteen members: playwrights, stage directors, theatrologists, and translators (from Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian to French, English, German, Spanish, Czech, Polish, and vice versa). We are also adding new members this year.
Our Committee covers four different countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia), which makes the organization of events and the fund seeking difficult, since none of the Ministries of Culture would be willing to cover the costs of an “ex- Yugoslav” committee, nor support the publication of the selected plays. Therefore, we fund the website maintenance and our work ourselves (the coordinators) and mostly rely on private connections and initiatives when it comes to promotion activities. Usually, the translators ask for the selected original texts or promote their translations, or the authors, once they have their text translated, send them around.
We also collaborate with the Croatian ITI Centre and Hartefact Fund (Serbia) to promote our annual call and the selected plays.
Due to the pandemic, the activities have stopped. Still, we are planning a Zoom meeting with all the members to see how our work and visibility can be approved, and Ms. Židek will travel to Belgrade in December and meet with the committee members there.

Bulgarian (Gergana Dimitrova & Iliana Hubenova)
In our committee we have 17 members. Coordinator is Gergana Dimitrova. Since February 2021 co-coordinator is Iliana Hubenova. In 2021 we prepared and announced the EURODRAM 2021 Selection of the Bulgarian committee for translated theatre text.
We received 4 translated plays (French, Italian, Romanian, Estonian) and the committee chose two of them.
In May 2021 together with “36 Monkeys – Contemporary Alternative Art and Culture Organization” the 3 plays from the Selection of the committee for 2020 were shown before audience in form of 3 performance-readings. The performances were available for 50 spectators live, but were also streamed live with ENG subtitles on Facebook and YouTube cannels of Goethe-Institute and 36Monkeys and made available from all over the world.
The events were part of the 10th edition of the platform for new dramaturgy ProText and the New drama international festival New Stages SouthEast, organized by Goethe-Institut.
In addition, in June and July ProText platform prepared 3 short movies about the playwrights, and the performances from EURODRAM Selection 2020 and online magazine for art and culture and 36 Monkeys Organization published them on their channels.
In October the committee published the open call for the selection 2022 and the coordinators applied for funding for the activities in 2022 on two open calls.

Castillan (David Ferré & Victor Velasco)
The castillian´galician committee of EURODRAM includes 17 members, 5 of them are new additions. Coordinators of the committee are David Ferré and Víctor Velasco.
In 2021 the castillian-galician committee had a call for translations and received 11 translated works (4 from French, 3 from greek, 1 from Italian, 1 from catalan, 1 from German and 1 from rumanian) of which 3 were selected (2 from greek and 1 from German)
This year, the castillian-galician committee have been working in the organization of the General Assembly the will take place in Madrid the 19, 20 and 21 of November. For the organization of the event, we will collaborate with Fundación Sgae and La Joven (theatrical company)
The castillian-galician committee also have made contacts for launch the organization of a  Basque language committee.
In the next call, recently published, the castillian-galician committee have made a new proposal: the trees selected plays will be published in a Spanish editorial in addition to make a public presentation of the 3 selected plays in order to get greater visibility for the plays

Catalan (Víctor Muñoz i Calafell)
No activities this year apart from choosing the 3 plays at the beginning of this year, of course.

English (Nina Brazier & Samuel Buggeln)
The Eurodram English Committee received 57 plays translated from 19 different languages, read by 27 readers around the world. We were delighted to select the three winning plays.
As yet we have not scheduled any workshops or readings, as Corona numbers are currently rising again in Germany, but we hope to rectify that in the spring 2021.

French (Pénélope Dechaufour)
There has been several main changes in the Eurodram French committee since march 2021. Penelope Dechauffour is now the only coordinator, charge that she shared before with Gilles Boulan and Dominique Dolmieu.
She engaged a important renew of the committee with actually more than fifty members : mainly lecturers and scholars but also more translators than during the past years.
The change also concerns the functioning of the committee. From now on, it receives the plays from October to the 20th of December. (Before, we accepted the plays from April to the 31 th of December). At last, a playwright – member of the committee is not allowed to propose his/her own play.
During the 2021 session, the committee received 94 plays translated from 23 languages. Mainly 14 from Castilian, 13 from German, 12 from Italian, 10 from BCMS, 6 from English, 6 from Dutch, 5 from Albanian…
20 of these plays has been translated with a grant of the Maison Antoine Vitez and 23 has been or will be published in French by the Editions Presses Universitaires du Midi (8), L’Espace d’un Instant (7), Actualités Editions (6), Les Solitaires intempestifs (1) and Théâtrales (1)
An important number of theses plays were also translated in others languages :  20 in English, 7 in German, 5 in Polish, 4 in Italian, 3 in Castillan,  2 in Portugues, Dutch and Romanian and only one in Arabian, Greek, Magyar, Macedonian, Persian, Serbian, Slovenian, Turkish.

Finnish (David Kozma)
Due to Corona we had to postpone our activities from last year to this end if the year. We are organizing a simultaneous reading drama festival in Moscow and Helsinki. For that we translated there Finnish plays to Russian with the help of the Finnish Theatre Information Center (Tinfo) and three Russian plays to Finnish. The readings will be organized on 4th of December in Moscow and 5th of December in Helsinki. The Helsinki event will be a Drama brunch, a new old concept where we combine public reading with a long brunch where each course will be followed by a reading.
Last year we didnt receive any translation candidate. We try to organize the open call for the original plays with the hope that there will be a bit of more interest.
As a good news, the Finnish culture Foundation announced that in between 2022-29 there will be around 1.200.000€ for international plays to be translated and staged in Finnish theatres. So, now is the time for any interesting or outstanding play to be sent to Finland. Please, dont hesitate to contact if you have any good idea to be shared with us.

Georgian (Sophia Kilasonia & Maya Simonishvili)
No report provided.

German (Wolfgang Barth, Charlotte Bomy & Galina Franzen)
We are now 24 members (15 female, 9 male), 20 of them working actively for 2022 selection, 4 of them “sleeping” (taking part in communication, but not working). Coordinators are Wolfgang Barth, Charlotte Bomy and Galina Franzen.
Members are drama experts, actors, authors, producer, stage directors, theatre director and lecturers. Interpreters or/and translators: From German to English (2; both “sleeping”), French (5), Greek (1), Romanian (1), Russian (1), Spanish (1; “sleeping”). Into German from Bulgarian (1), Catalan (1), English (3; one not active this year), French (2), Kroatian/Bosnian/Serbian (2), Mazedonian (1), Montenegrin (1), Portuguese (1), Polish (1), Scandinavian languages (1), Spanish (1). From French to English (1; “sleeping”).
Selection 2020 (original German language): 87 plays submitted. Lecture and representation of one of the selected plays could not be done in 2020 (Corona) but from 12th to 14th of November 2021 at Theaterhaus G7 in Mannheim. All plays translated now by Eurodram activities in French, one of them too in English, Romanian and Russian.
Selection 2021 (plays translated into German): 38 plays submitted from Albanian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Kurdish, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Turkish and Hungarian. Lecture of the selected plays 29th of August 2021 at Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar in collaboration with Kunstfest Weimar (see photo). By Eurodram activities the translators of the selection 2021 will translate one more play from their languages (Dutch, Polish, Romanian) into German.
Several articles and texts concerning the 2020 and 2021 selections on our homepage .

Greek (Andrèas Flouràkis)
In our committee we have 11 members, 6 of them are active and reading texts.
After the call in 2021 for translated plays, the selection was published in the Greek Playwrights blog (
In year 2021 there was no publication or performance due to Covid-19.

It’s been a while, and what crazy two years these were…
Despite the difficulties, we recruited new members and organized various events such as the reading club that we opened.
During the same time, I applied to two different foundations for funding – unfortunately with no success.
Next week we have a nice panel celebrating the three translations that were chosen this year.
But every good thing has an end, and after 7 years in the committee and 6 of them as the main coordinator, it’s time for me to say goodbye.
Nohar, who has been leading the committee by my side in the last 3 years, is about to become a mother and can’t continue either.
Unfortunately no one from the Hebrew committee can take the lead, so we are bound to close it.
It has been a pleasure to know you and other coordinators, to learn about the differences and the things we have in common in the fantastic theater community you have created. It was fruitful and enriching to meet in different festivals and to claim the place for original great international plays.
Hope we will find the way to keep in contact and may we meet again soon.

Hungarian (Dávid Szabó)
The Hungarian committee was reorganised in the summer, early autumn of 2020 ( and published its first call in October 2020. The 3 winners of the Hungarian selection (the first one by the new committee) were plays by Irish and Northern-Irish authors, translated form English into Hungarian ( This lack of diversity can be explained by the fact that this had been the first call in years and the committee received only 5 texts.
A staged reading of parts of the winning translations by the actors of the Budapest based independent company, Stúdió K. took place on 28th October 2021 (directed by Tamás Fodor, one of the most respected figures of Hungarian theatre) on the campus of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest in front of an enthusiastic audience. The performance was followed by a round table discussion on Irish theatre in Hungary. The sponsors of the event were the Embassy of Ireland in Hungary, MEGY (Association of Hungarian literary translators) and CIEF (Centre Interuniversitaire d’Études Françaises of ELTE).
The new call of the Hungarian committee was published in mid-October. Texts in Hungarian can be sent in by 10th January 2022.

Italian (Laetitia Dumont-Lewi)
We are 19 members. Coordinator is Laetitia Dumont-Lewi.
Members are drama experts, stage directors, lecturers and translators (from Italian to French, English, Hungarian; to Italian from Greek, French, English, Kroatian/Bosnian/Serbian, Albanian).
In 2020, the three selected plays in 2019 (translated from Hungarian, English and Albanian) have been published by our partner Editoria & Spettacolo.
Selection 2021 (plays translated into Italian): 7 plays submitted from English (2), French (1), Albanian (1), Spanish (1), Hungarian (1), German (1).
The three selected plays are getting published by Editoria & Spettacolo.
Due to the pandemic, unfortunately no reading could be done.

Kurdish (Mîrza Metîn)
No report provided.

Macedonian (Ivan Dodovski)
The Macedonian committee of EURODRAM includes 4 members; coordinator is Ivan Dodovski; Facebook page:
In 2021 the Macedonian committee had a call for translations and received 8 translated plays (6 from English, 1 from French, and 1 from Croatian) of which 3 were selected, as usual.
Following a cooperation agreement signed between Eurodram Macedonia and the Macedonian Theatre Festival “Vojdan Chernodrinski” in Prilep, the Festival published an anthology of 6 Macedonian plays which were top ranked in the 2020 Macedonian selection of Eurodram. A special book launch event was organised on 5 October 2021 within the Festival programme in Prilep.
The book is published in Macedonian, and an e-version is available free of charge upon request.

Norwegian (Johanna Leira)
Since the last GA(AG) in Paris in automn 2019, the previously dormant norwegian commitee has grown from one member to three members, plus a bonus member or Membre d´honneur/Member of Honour.
These members are ; Eirin Forsberg – Actresse, director,playwright. Bjørn Jonson Dale – Hisorian, writer. Johanna Leira – Actress, director, translater (norwegian,french,english)-Arlette Desmots- Actress, director – MEMBER OF HONOUR ( related to Eurodram France, and different norwegian authors and institutions etc. in Norway).
The Covid-situation has slowed down the progress of the commitee, and the possibilities of its developpment, but we are not giving in, or up…..
Contacts have been made with various instiutions and persons to involve new members, and develop the network within our country as well as outside of it. But concrete results are taking their time to show themselves. Futre is always ahead, and the most important is to fill up the glass, and achieve a solid structure stone by stone.
There also seem to be a possibility to present at least one( maybe two) texts for the 2022 selection for native language plays. Which has also already been translated into english, which could make it become a « candidate » for the 2023 selection in other commitees in Eurodram, if translated. But there´s still a long way to go.
More details can be given at the GA in Madrid, but to make it short ;  things are moving along slowly, but surely.
In addition, we are trying to awaken the need for a Sami- comittee. Since Sami is a minority-language in Scandinavia, and the Sami people (laplandish) live, or travel as nomads across four countries in northern Europe (Norway,Sweden,Finland, Russia).
PS! And there are more good news to come, which I´ll announce during the GA in Madrid!

Polish (Cécile Bocianowski)
The Polish Committee has 8 members (5 women and 3 men) and one coordinator. Members are translators, critics, academics, editors.
During the 2021 session, the committee received 23 plays translated from 12 languages: English (7), German (3), Ukrainian (2), Croatian (2), Russian (2), Bosnian (1), Czech (1), Spanish (1), Danish (1), Slovenian (1), Hebrew (1), Belarusian (1).
Besides the three selected translations, three others texts retained the attention of the committee. Among these 6 plays, 3 of them were published in Dialog, a Polish periodical dedicated to contemporary playwriting.

Portuguese (Fernando Matos Oliveira)
No report provided. DD confirms he had not a single news this year.

Romanian (Silvia Cîrcu)
We are 14 members, Silvia  Cîrcu was cooordinating the Romanian Committee from spring 2019 but she is currently trying to get replaced, hopefully before the 2021 AG.
Members are critics, stage directors, lecturers and translators (from French/Greek/English to Romanian).
The three selected plays in 2020 have been translated and published outside our network.
Selection 2021 plays translated into Romanian: 2 plays submitted from Italian that were also edited outside the Eurodram network.
Unfortunately no reading was organized between 2019 and 2021.

Russian (Nadezhda Batalova)
No report provided. DD confirms he had not a single news this year. Wolfgang évoque la possibilité de proposer la coordination à Galina Klimowa.

Slovenian (Samuel Julien)
No report provided. DD confirms he had not a single news this year.

Swedish (Corinne François-Denève)
No report provided.

Turkish (Selin Altıparmak & Hakan Silahsizoglu)
No report provided.

Ukrainian (Neda Nejdana)
Due to Corona we had very short period of activities this year in Ukrainian art space (2-3 months) because a lot of time and now too almost all regions are in red zone. But in this time the Eurodrame Network was presented in several Ukrainian festivals.
The all selected texts were sent to the network of state theaters of Ukraine.
The play Так судилося (Така било пишано / It was Destined), by Сашко Насев/Sashko Nasev, translated from Macedonian by Anna Bagriana was published in the book « Vybrani dramy (Selected Dramas) » (Tverdynya Publishing House, Lutsk).
The play Хай живе Бушон! (Vive Bouchon ! Long Live Bouchon !), by Jean Dell and Gérald Sibleyras, translated from French by Neda Nezhdana was staged at the Maria Zankovetska National Theater (Lviv).
As a good news for the next year we have The Ukrainian Book Institute that invites publishers to apply for Translation Support Programme of Ukrainian literature into foreign languages.
I can’t be at GA in Madrid this year but I hope to see all you next time and wish you a very good dialogue and decisions.

Report agreed by the GA with xx % agreements.

To the Administrative Council, 20th of January, 2023.

Gilles Boulan and David Ferré.