Eurodram – réseau européen de traduction théâtrale
Eвродрам – европейская сеть театрального перевода
Eurodram – European network for drama in translation
4A, rue d’Orval, L-2270 Luxembourg
Internet, 21st January 2023
Attending : Albanian (Jeton Neziraj), Arabic (Omar Fertat), Bosnian / Croatian / Montenegrin / Serbian (Darko Lukić), Bulgarian (Gergana Dimitrova, Iliyana Hubenova), Castilian & Galician (David Ferré), French (Gilles Boulan, Joëlle Chambon, Ian De Toffoli, Dominique Dolmieu), German (Wolfgang Barth, Blažena Radas), Italian (Laetitia Dumont-Lewi), Macedonian (Ivan Dodovski), Norwegian (Johanna Leira), Polish (Cécile Bocianowski), Portuguese (Nuno M Cardoso), Russian (Maria Kroupnik), Ukrainian (Neda Nejdana).
Apologies : Basque, Belarussian, Catalan, English, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Kurdish, Swedish, Turkish.
Absents : Armenian, Georgian, Romanian.
1/ Opening
David thanks the Administrative Council (AC) for the work done on the last session.
Expresses how he feels sorry for not having the possibility to organize the General Assembly (GA) meeting in Diyarbakir as planned, and thanks again Mîrza Metîn for the great job he has done for it. He specifies that the past year has been difficult for the cultural world and in part for Eurodram as well, and that these difficulties are due as much to methodological problems as to financial problems. He reminds the assembly that he will leave the coordination of the Castilian committee after the next selections.
In the name of the network, Dominique warmly thanks David for this year of presidency. In addition he congratulates him for the launching of a new theatre translation prize at the French PEN Club, involving a member of the French Academy.
Laetitia takes over the running of the agenda.
Each participant has the opportunity to introduce himself in a few words and to present the committee which he belongs to. Thus, 14 committees were represented at the GA.
2/ General report of the previous year’s activities
2021 GA meeting report report is agreed at 100% with 57% GA members voting.
In 2022 the 27 committees of the network counts [xxx] members, representing an average of about [xxx] members per committee. By comparison, there were 330 members in 27 committees in 2021.
The 2022 Eurodram selections were announced on the 21st of March. The 61 selected texts from 21 languages were chosen by the 335 members of the 27 language committees from 806 original texts received in 2021. By comparison, there had been 841 original texts received in 2019. The selections can be found at :
As no new coordinators were found, Czech, Hebrew and Slovenian committees are confirmed to be deleted. The GA hopes new tracks will be found.
Thanks to Jeton, Dominique had contacts with producers from Estonia and proposed them to re-create an Estonian committee. David met Eike Eller, cultural manager of the Estonia Embassy and Liisi Aibel in November in Paris but no news came afterwards. Dominique asks the next AC council to continue the exchange (question AC 01).
Thanks to Tyrfingur Tyrfingsson, Dominique had contacts with Friðrik Friðriksson from the main institution for Performing Arts in Iceland. Friðrik was fine with the idea to create an Icelandic committee and meant to get the agreement of the board of his organization. Dominique asks the next AC council to continue the exchange (question AC 02).
Dominique says things are not 100 % clear about the Basque committee and would need a check. He asks the next AC council to update the exchange (question AC 03).
3/ Elections
Nikolina Zidek resigned in April 2022, so Laetitia became Secretary and Dominique agreed to care again of the coordination, but to a minimum.
The General Assembly permits new candidatures to the Administrative Council during the present meeting.
The candidates to the 2023 AC are : Wolfgang Barth, Cécile Bocianowski, Gilles Boulan, Ian De Toffoli, Gergana Dimitrova, Dominique Dolmieu, Laetitia Dumont-Lewy, David Ferré, Maria Kroupnik, Neda Nejdana, Blazena Radas.
Due to technical reasons, the election is held on Balotilo a few days afterwards.
Due to the number of candidates, Cécile Bocianowski, Gilles Boulan and David Ferré prefer to withdraw their candidacy.
Then a new Administrative Council is elected, such as :
Wolfgang Barth, Ian De Toffoli, Gergana Dimitrova, Dominique Dolmieu, Laetitia Dumont-Lewy, Maria Kroupnik, Neda Nejdana and Blazena Radas.
Then a new Cabinet is elected, such as :
President : Gergana Dimitrova ;
Vice-President : Neda Nejdana ;
Secretary : Dominique Dolmieu ;
Treasurer : Ian De Toffoli.
These changes will have to be registered by Ian in Luxembourg within 3 months after the meeting.
4/ Next GA meeting date and location
This 2022 GA meeting was planned to be held in Diyarbakir but is now held online, for financial and security reasons. This decision was made by the AC in agreement with Mîrza from the Kurdish committee.
The German committee proposes that the 2023 GA meeting takes place in Berlin in partnership with the Kurdish committee and the ITI – International Theater Institute (ex-UNESCO).
The GA will be presented as a cultural event with two objectives :
– to develop cooperation and exchanges between the different committees
– to focus on contemporary Kurdish theater
Gergana (and others) would also wish a focus on German drama but Wolfgang answers it would be too much.
Wolfgang confirms the German committee will apply for grants to the German Literature Fund. Without prejudging which answers will be made to them, requests for support will be made to finance transport and accommodation.
Dominique also suggests to try to get in touch with the French Theater Office in Berlin and promises to complete the mobility grant page resources on the website.
Several dates have been proposed between October, November and December 2023 with a preference for Friday and Saturday.
The dates could be (2023) :
– 13-14 October
– 10-11 November
– 24-25 November
– 1-2 December
A balotilo vote will soon be launched by Dominique to choose the best dates.
Concerning the 2024 GA meeting, Jeton proposes to hold it in Prishtina. Dates could May (preferably, during the POLIP literature festival) or October (during the Qendra theater festival).
The GA agrees with both proposals.
Dominique suggests to come back to a recurrent date every year – to avoid for exemple to hold a 2022 meeting in 2023 and/or disturb the selection work of the committees on the run.
5/ Calls
No calls received for Arabic (2019), Armenian (2019), Belarussian (2018), Kurdish (2019), Romanian (2021), and Russian (2019).
Maria explains it was too hard for her to launch it this year, because she took over the coordination of the Russian committee too recently, and of course because of the raging war. Her organization Ljubimovka is being closed by Russian authorities and she has to stay in Russia until the affair is completed.
Dominique suggests that the rule about Catalan and Hungarian call’s exception should be removed from the statutes, because the Hungarian committee now provides regular calls, and because he is assured a kind of adaptation/arrangement could be agreed with Catalan situation and Sala Beckett work. As there are different points of view, and that this question was not mentioned in the agenda, the GA decides to postpone any decision and asks the future AC to organize an exchange and a vote about it (question AC 04).
6/ Communication
Currently, 1.277 profiles are subscribed to the network’s facebook page (1.149 in 2021). Dominique warmly thanks to the coordinators who provide information toit. The post announcing the latest selection was seen by 1.747 profiles (3.834 in 2021). According to Dominique this fall is due to the increasing number of announcements done by each committee, which is a very good thing.
The website is up to date, as far as the information provided is concerned
Statistics of the website : 17.177 visitors for 44.885 visits for the last 12 months.
Dominique asked for the (renewed) possibility given to the AC to send messages directly to all members of the network, mainly for the (general) call launch, the selection announcement and the invitation to the GA meeting. While exchanging with the others he proposes something he believes to be a good way to solve the different related problems : he will create a mailing list linked with a widget on the Eurodram website to subscribe. He will subscribe all members from the committee lists and afterwards everybody will be free to subscribe directly. So, anyone will be able to subscribe, but there won’t be any secret in the delivered messages.
Dominique asks the committees with several coordinators to have a single address as a contact and for votes. He will get in touch directly with the concerned committees to arrange it.
He reminds he needs pictures of readings organized here and there to add on the website.
He also reminds that it is much better when each committee has an independent blog/page/website, and that the linked pages don’t change. He will give details further on.
7/ Finances
Rapport budgétaire/Treasurer’s report
Recettes (Receipts) 2021-2022 Eurodram
1. | Crowfunding OkPal (created in August 2022, still ongoing) (can’t be taken into account) | 191 € |
2. | Actifs reportés de l’exercice 2021 | 129,30 € |
Total recettes | 129,30 € |
Dépenses (Expenses) 2021-2022 Eurodram
1. | Société Ovh : renouvellement de l’hébergement du site internet (Facture/Invoice FR48529754 du 24/03/2022) | 101,84 € |
2 | Société Ovh : renouvellement de l’option email
(Facture/Invoice FR47786136 du 24/03/2022) |
7,09, € |
Total du budget | 108,93 € |
The 2022 financial report is approved by the GA.
No bank account has been opened. Ian apologizes but he was very few in Luxembourg most of the past year. He promises to solve the question soon.
A new crowdfunding was launched in 2022
This funding will be used to pay the 2022 incomes (translation and editing costs, website…), via Maison d’Europe et d’Orient.
At the moment the fundraising collected 191 euros, paid by Bulgarian, Castilian, French, German and Kurdish committees.
Jeton regrets it doesn’t work from Kosovo.
Regarding the low number of committee participating to the 2022 crowdfunding, and to continue the suggestion of Wolfgang on 2021 GA meeting, Dominique suggests that each committee has to pay a little fee/cotisation (5/10 € by year) to pay for the basic costs of the network.
As there are different points of view, and that this question was not included in the agenda, the GA decides to postpone any decision and asks the future AC to organize a debate and a vote about it (question AC 05).
Dominique asks to close the fundraising now, as there is enough to pay the 2022 costs. Similar situation, this question will be brought to the new AC (question AC 06).
Dominique asked for a grant to KulturLX Luxembourg but didn’t get any answer. Ian says he will take over this affair.
The GA warmly thanks Gergana for having paid for the zoom day meeting, and Ian to have proofread the 2021 and 2022 reports for free.
The GA extends its permission to the AC to open a bank account for Eurodram and organize a new crowdfunding on 2023.
Someone says we could think about asking for a fee to submit the texts. Dominique says it sounds to be the case in North-America and a few other countries, but rarely the case in Europe.
8/ Other topics
To remind you, DD collected and published a data bank about translation grants in the network area. Still missing Cyprus, Ireland and Norway.
David says the library database is not done yet, because working without a general secretary made this project an impossible task: a library and manifesto means to make the network more efficient.
Dominique says there is less need of any new database in addition, but only a shared data platform/interface.
Johanna worries about how the affairs are transmitted, from a former coordinator of a committee that had been deleted, to a new coordinator restarting a committee of the same language. Dominique answers he does (himself or by connecting) such things all year long and reminds the user notice for new coordinators (in French and English) is available there :
He asks the next AC to bring this user notice to the general Eurodram website (question AC 07).
Dominique says there was a request from the English committee on the last GA in Madrid and is not sure about the results. He asks the next AC to check this. (question AC 08)
Dominique collected and published a data bank about translation grants in the network area. Still missing Cyprus, Eire/Ireland and Norway. Available here :
II – Reports of the previous year’s activities by each committee :
Albanian (Jeton Neziraj)
The Eurodram Albanian Committee welcomed new members and in total now it has 10 members (including the Committee coordinator).
In the 2021/2022 call it received 15 plays in Albanian. The information has been widely spread and published in the local Medias in Kosovo and Albania. The open call was published in the Qendra Website:
In cooperation with Eurodram, Qendra published a collection of 7 plays, which have been writen from a Playwrights Workshop organized in 2021.
By the end of 2022, the 2022/2023 open call for translated plays has been published and now we are expecting the results.
Arabic (Omar Fertat)
The Arab Committee received six plays in 2022, by Iraqi, Egyptian, Moroccan and Tunisian authors.
Armenian (Armine Anda)
No report provided.
Basque (Aizpea Goenaga Mendiola & Javier Liñera)
Javier Linera is coordinating, along with Aizpea and Txiliku, the Euskera committee. He says: “It is a new committee and we are beginning. It is not easy to understand the whole Eurodram project. A very interesting project and one that we want to have its space in Euskal Herria. This year we have not been able to open the call because we had a lot of work and we did not fully understand the call. But we want to continue next year. For this we ask for your permission. We want to count on the help of the Etxepare Institute. Maybe they can coordinate it. It would be interesting if Etxepare did it because they have an economic endowment and a greater presence in the territory of the Basque language. I have already written to them and I am waiting for the answer.”
Belarussian (Nikolay Rudkovski)
The selection was made by Mikalai Rudkouski (Nikolai Rudkovski), Iryna Herasimovich, Larissa Guillemet.
BCMS (Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian) (Darko Lukić & Nikolina Židek)
The BCMS group in 2022 reached 15 members from four countries (Bosna and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia) and two coordinators for all the activities.
Eurodram BCMS has its own website and Facebook page with recent information about the playwright and translation activities related to BCMS languages and relevant for the members.
The 2022 call for original plays written in Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, or Serbian language was published in December 2021.
The committee received 29 plays.
During 2022 the Committee continued collaboration with individual members as well as with the different playwrights and drama/theater organizations and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
The Committee also continued the collaboration with other Eurodram committees and with similar international organizations such as Croatian ITI Centre, (Croatia), Hartefact foundation (Serbia).
During 2022 the BCMS committee prepared the selection of the translations for 2023.
Bulgarian (Gergana Dimitrova & Iliana Hubenova)
In 2022 Bulgarian Committee consisted of 15 members (10 females and 5 males, complete list), all active members for the selection 2022.
Members are stage directors, theater producers, translators (from German, French, English, Romanian), writers, scenographers, actors, cultural managers, theater researcher and theoretician.
For the selection of 2022, 51 plays were submitted.
Brief presentation of the selected plays and their authors in Bulgarian and English:
All selected plays were presented at the eleventh edition of ProText platform as a module of the festival New Stages Southeast organized by Goethe-Institut Bulgaria. Two of the theater texts were presented as complete performances (“Short Play About Love” and “USER”) and the third (Free Fall) was shown in a special performance-reading format developed by ProText.
In 2022 were carried out four interviews with authors, translators and directors from the Eurodram selections 2021 and 2022 (in Bulgarian).
Castilian (David Ferré & Victor Velasco)
The Castilian-Galician committee of Eurodram includes 19 members, 2 of them are new additions.
In 2022 the Castilian-Galician committee had a call for original texts and received 70 works (64 in Castilian and 6 in Galician).
The 3 selected plays will be staged as dramatized readings along January of 2023 by Teatro del Astillero.
The Castilian-Galician committee, after launching the organization of a Basque language committee, has supported them in the organization of the committee.
David Ferré and Victor Velasco informed the committee about their will to let somebody else hold the position of coordination of the committee. Nowadays nobody has announced their candidature.
Catalan (Víctor Muñoz i Calafell)
The Catalan committee of Eurodram includes 8 members.
There was no call for translations into Catalan but the committee took into consideration 49 translated plays performed in Catalan in 2021 and 2022.
English (Nina Brazier & Samuel Buggeln)
No report provided.
French (Joëlle Chambon, assisted by Gilles Boulan and Dominique Dolmieu)
Since September 2022, the French-speaking Eurodram committee has a new coordination.
Important projects are underway, including the constitution of the committee as an ASBL. To carry out these projects, regular zoom exchanges take place between the three coordinators.
At the last count, the French-speaking committee is made up of 38 members, a very large majority of women (30) and includes 18 translators from German, English, Castilian, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian.
During the 2021-2022 session, the French-speaking Eurodram committee received 111 plays written in French, including 61 written by women and 50 written by men. Between these plays, 51 have already been published and 17 translated, mainly into German. Following our reading, 3 new plays were translated by members of the French-speaking committee.
Regarding the 2023 selection, the French-speaking committee received 63 translations.
Finnish (David Kozma)
The Finnish language Eurodram is coordinated by Post Theatre Collective. The collective asks outsider experts to evaluate the proposals the committee receives. The last selection was made by Maria Säkö, Linnea Stara and David Kozma.
The committee received 12 plays.
At the same time Post Theatre Collective organizes the READ Reading Drama Festival for new drama. For the 2022 edition the festival presented the following plays:
– Katoamisia (Disappearing) by Elise Wilk, translated by Tuukka Tuomasjukka
– The Wetsuitmen by Freek Mariën, translated by Mari Janatuinen
– Tango avaruudessa (Tango in Space) by Zdrava Kamenova and Gergana Dimitrova, translated by Leena Andonov
– Hiili (Carbon) by Pier Lorenzo Pisano, translated by Hannimari Heino
The plays were translated to Finnish for the festival and were presented as reading performances by professional actors. The festival was visited by Elise Wilk and Pier Lorenzo Pisano.
Georgian (Maya Simonishvili)
No report provided.
German (Wolfgang Barth, Charlotte Bomy & Galina Franzen)
In the period of the 2022 selection, there have been 25 members (16 female, 9 male), 21 of them working actively for selection, 5 of them “sleeping” (taking part in communication, but not working).
Members are drama experts, actors, authors, producers, stage directors, academics of theatre, literature and language, interpreters or/and translators: From German to English (3), French (6, two of them “sleeping”), Greek (1), Polish (1), Romanian (1), Russian (1), Spanish (2). Into German from Bulgarian (1), Catalan (1), English (3), French (4), Italian (1), Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian (1), Macedonian (1), Portuguese (1), Polish (1), Scandinavian languages (1), Spanish (2). Two members are also members of translations network Drama Panorama e. V.
For selection 2022, 64 plays (original German language) have been submitted.
– Fischer Fritz has been translated into French by Heinz Schwarzinger, into Polish by Aleksandra Lukoszek.
– Risse in den Wörtern has been translated into French by Nicole Desjardins.
– Mutter Vater Land will be translated into French by Renaud Guinaudeau, into Czech by Viktorie Knotkova.
Lecture and presentation of the selected plays took place in Mannheim, 11th to 13th of November 2022, at Theaterhaus G7 (director Inka Neubert, member of German speaking committee) in presence of authors, two translators and committee members. Discussions after each play were directed by external dramatic advisors.
You can find several articles and texts about the 2022 selection on our homepage .
Greek (Andrèas Flouràkis)
The Greek Committee of Eurodram has a total of 11 members (including the Committee coordinator).
In the 2021/2022 call it received 44 plays in Greek language.
A reading of two of the 2022 selected plays (When the bell rings and final announcement) took place in Athens in 2022.
The 2021/2022 open call was published in the “Greek Playwrights” platform and the information of our selection has been widely spread.
By the end of 2022, the 2022/2023 open call for translated plays has been published and now we are expecting the results.
Hungarian (Dávid Szabó)
In 2022 the Hungarian Committee consisted of 8 members (6 females and 2 males) who are still active members in January 2023. The members are dramaturgs, translators (from English, French, German, Italian and Russian), production managers but there is also a director, an assistant director and an actress.
For the 2022 selection 8 plays were submitted.
In 2022 the Hungarian Committee started a partnership with Stúdió K. Theatre, Budapest.
Italian (Laetitia Dumont-Lewi and Michele Panella)
In the period of the 2022 selection, there have been 19 members (12 female, 7 male), 9 of them working actively for selection, 10 of them “sleeping”. Coordinator was Laetitia Dumont-Lewi.
At the moment of the 2022 GA (21 st of January 2023, period of 2023 selection) there are 23 members (13 female, 10 male). Coordinators are Laetitia Dumont-Lewi and Michele Panella.
Members are drama experts, actors, producers, stage directors, academics of theater, literature and language or/and translators: from Italian to English (2), French (6); into Italian from English (2), French (4), Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian (1), Greek (1), Lithuanian (1).
For selection 2022, 33 plays (original Italian language) have been submitted. You can find several articles and texts about the 2022 selection on our homepage :
Kurdish (Mîrza Metîn)
No report provided.
Macedonian (Ivan Dodovski)
The Macedonian committee of Eurodram includes 4 members.
Facebook page:
In 2022 the Macedonian committee had a call and received 19 original plays.
Norwegian (Johanna Leira)
Since the GA in Madrid in November 2021 there has been a lot of movement in the committee. We went from 3 to 7 members by the end of 2021 (with two honorary members for different reasons).
We collected 11 texts (special thanks to Nasjonal teateret in Oslo, Wolfgang and different prospections). This made us able altogether to vote for a selection for the very first time in March 2022.
I would also like to mention Rein Natur (Pure nature), by Maria Tryti Vennerød, because it was the only text in new-Norwegian and it should have shared the third place.
During 2022 we grew to 9 members. We received 11 translated texts for the 2023 selection (special thanks to Nasjonalteateret in Oslo, and partly Norsk Oversettelses Forening/Forbund). We’ve also been in touch with Dramatikkens Hus, aiming for future collaboration with them.
So we are by now a real established committee.
Polish (Cécile Bocianowski)
In 2022 the Polish committee consisted of 9 members (6 females and 3 males), 7 reading actively for 2022 selection. The members are translators, academic teachers, redactors of theatre revues and researchers.
For the 2022 selection, 41 plays written in Polish were submitted.
The plays selected in 2022 will be translated and published in the Czech Republic. This project of publication was initiated by one of the committee members, Irena Lexova.
Portuguese (Fernando M. Oliveira & Nuno M. Cardoso)
Since July 2022, the Portuguese committee of Eurodram has a new coordination. In 2022 the Portuguese committee of Eurodram includes 10 members. Members are University Teachers, Theatre Directors, Dramaturgs and Translators. The committee has opened the call for translations which had received 7 plays’ translations. The selected translated plays will be read at Teatro Académico Gil Vicente, Coimbra and at Centro de Documentação of Teatro Nacional São João at Mosteiro de São Bento da Vitória, Porto. Information on Portuguese Committee of Eurodram can be found on :
And Facebook page
Romanian (Petro Ionescu)
No report provided.
Russian (Maria Kroupnik)
No report provided.
Swedish (Théo Fouéré & Corinne François-Denève)
Unfortunately, the Swedish committee did not manage to receive any texts from the agencies and publishers they got in touch with – either they refused or did not answer. The committee was organized quite late in 2022, they’ll see if they can work up something more properly by the end of 2023.
Turkish (Selin Altıparmak)
No report provided.
Ukrainian (Neda Nejdana)
This year, the Ukrainian committee is in a quite different reality because of the full-scale invasion of Russia in Ukraine. The entire territory is under shelling, more than 550 cultural objects and 2,800 educational institutions were destroyed, more 100 000 killed people; more 14 millions of fugitives, there are blackouts of the electricity and communications. However, Ukraine’s resistance continues.
The Ukrainian committee has 12 members, among them 8 ones were active. These are playwrights, translators (from French, English, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Macedonian), directors, researchers, organizers of dramatic events. The 2021-22 call for original plays was in November 2021. 15 texts were submitted, 4 plays were selected (2 plays had the same notes), then reduced to 3. Some of the committee members became refugees. However, new plays, their translations and stage readings helped give a voice to the people in the genocide. They also raised funds for the army, for the wounded people and refugees.
This year laureates Maryna Smilyanets became a refugee, Andy Iva was a soldier, Igor Yuzyuk is in the territorial defense. Two winning plays of last year’s competition Andy Iva’s “There’s No Sense to Fear” and “Prayer for Elvis” by Maryna Smilyanets (translated also in French), are included in the anthology of the actual drama “Untitled War” (12 plays), which is presented on the website of the Les Kurbas Center. Stage readings and performances (Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi) were based on these texts, and the play of the laureate Ihor Yuzyuk was presented as part of the “DramPost” project of the Les Kurbas Center in cooperation with the Ivan Mykolaichuk Art Center (Chernivtsi ). In December 2022 Ukrainian committee published the open call for translated plays and is waiting for the result.
In addition to the winners’ plays, dozens of modern texts of more than 20 Ukrainian authors, especially written about the war, were read and staged inside and in many countries around the world. One of such leaders-organizers became the Pro-English Theater with three series of readings “Ukraine. War. Texts” and the festival “Pro Act. Unbreakable”, combining online and offline forms, texts and artists from different countries in English and Ukrainian in the Les Kurbas Center and the Pro-English Theater Hub in Kyiv. They were also other theaters in Kyiv, Odessa, Uzhhorod, Drohobych, Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Lviv and Chernihiv. Members of Ukrainian committee and some committees of the Eurodram network have provided great assistance in organizing stage readings, performances and publications, especially French, English, Polish and Bulgarian ones. In France, such readings took place in Paris, Caen, Lyon, Strasbourg, Montpellier and other cities thanks to Dominique Dolmieu, Gilles Boulan, Clément Peretjatko, Estelle Delavennat, Iryna Dmytrychyn and others. These are texts from the anthology “From Chernobyl to Crimea” and some other books of Ukrainian authors published in “Espace d’un Instant”. Also the festival of modern Ukrainian plays was organized in Paris. The Bulgarian committee performed a reading in Sofia, thanks to Gergana Dimitrova, Minka Paraskevova, the Sofia Literature and Translation House. In Poland, translators and scientists Anna Kozenjówska-Bihun `and Agnieszka Matusiak organized radio productions in Warsaw, stage readings in Wrocław and Olsztyn. A large number of Ukrainian texts have been translated into English, published, read, staged thanks to the “Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings” project, organized by John Freedman, John Farndon and many companies, primarily in the UK (especially Finborough theatre in London) and in many countries. Some readings were organized by Samuel Buggeln (New York region), Emile Lacheny (company “Between Us”, New York), the Brockley Jack Studio Theatre in the USA. The project “Ukrainian words. Voices from Ukraine” took place in Montreal (Canada). Vorarlberger Landestheater in Austria did the readings project “Voices from the Darkness”. In Ireland Samuel Beckett Theater in Trinity and “DramPost” in Dublin organized readings too. Thanks to Matei Visniec Ukrainian plays were presented in Rumania at festivals in Suceava, Cluj-Napoca, and Iasi. Thanks to Maryna Gudyma, the translation in Spanish, publication and stage reading were in Valencia (Spain). Readings also took place in Germany (Berlin, Aachen), Turkey (Istanbul), Belgium (Brussels), and Hong Kong. In general more than 40 events and publications of modern Ukrainian plays took place in Ukraine and 15 countries thanks to the participation of the Eurodram members. And the “Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings” project realized more than 300 events with plays and continues them.
There are some Internet-libraries of Ukrainian plays and translations: Dramaworld, Avanscena, UkrDramaHub, libraries of plays NSTDU, of translated plays in Ukrainian Institute. There are some institutions for the support: Ukrainian cultural foundation, Ukrainian institute, Ukrainian book institute.
Report voted by the GA with 100 % agreements on 44% votes.
To the Administrative Council, 18th of February 2023.
David Ferré. Gergana Dimitrova.