Драмски текст за развојот на идентитетот/персоналитетот на шутот. Организиран во седум сцени/фрагменти со пролог и епилог, текстот следи седум дијахрониски секвенци од работните денови на шутот, критички драматизирајќи го, од седум различни перспективи, феноменот на власта и релацијата владетел/поредок. Отворената структура на драмскиот текст дава можност за негово поставување и во микросцени (за четворица актери) и во екстензивни сцени (за повеќе од дваесет актери). Текстот е напишан на македонски јазик, на релација Скопје-Париз, во 2018 година.
За авторот:
A performance text about the development of the identity/personality of the fool. Organized in seven scenes/fragments, with prologue and epilogue, the text follows seven diachronic sequences from the working days of the fool, critically dramatizing, in seven different perspectives, the phenomenon of power and the relation lordship/system. The open structure of the piece offers a possibility for its micro setting (for four actors), as well as an extensive one (for over twenty actors). The text was written in Macedonian language, on relation Skopje-Paris, in 2018.
Sasho Dimoski (1985, PhD in drama arts) is a Macedonian writer and drama artist. Since his debut in 2015, he has built a portfolio uniting over fifty titles including prose books, drama and ballet performance texts, short tales, radio and TV productions, theaterology papers and scientific research. Selected publications include: The hooligan`s diary (2015, prose adapted for stage at the Macedonian opera and ballet), Alma Mahler (2016, novel adapted for stage at the Macedonian national theatre, translated into Serbian and English), The fifth season (2017, novel awarded with Racin`s prize and translated in Albanian), We, the others (2015, book of collected plays set on stage), The sleeping beauties (2018, prose). Performance texts: Phaedra (2016, SMG Ljubljana, National theater Dzinot, Veles), Medea (2017, Festival of Antique drama Stobi), Ana Komnena (2017, National theater Dzinot, Veles), The assembly women (2017, National theater Ohrid, R. Macedonia, National theater Nish, R. Serbia), My forest`s tree (2017, National theater Dzinot, Veles), Les demoiselles d`Avignon (2017, Macedonian national theater, Skopje), The royal bastards (2018, National theater Dzinot, Veles), as well as fifteen stage adaptations. His portfolio includes two texts for choreographer: The red room (2016, Macedonian opera and ballet) and Death and the dervish (2017, HNK Split, Croatia). His short tales, theaterology studies and performance texts have been published in various chrestomathies home and abroad. His artworks have been presented at over thirty festivals in the region and wider, winning several awards.
CONTACT: dimoski.sasho@gmail.com